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Launch of TheAfricanStore™ NG, Lagos

Launch of TheAfricanStore™ NG, Lagos

Crafts Village Limited launches it’s FLAGSHIP Art Shop… TheAfricanStore™ NG in Lagos.

TheAfricanStore™ NG is an initiative of the CraftsVillage™ Project to bring affordable Arts & Crafts closer to users and art enthusiasts alike!

CraftsVillage African Store

Launched on 20th March, 2021, at the Adeniran Ogunsanya Mall (Shoprite), Surulere Lagos, this African Store houses an array of African Arts, Decorative Sculpts, Afro Fashion items, Bags & Purses, Terra Cottas, Paintings & Drawings, Functional Crafts and many more for easy access to these African Arts & Crafts within the neighborhood.

The aim of this storefront is to offer easy reach to different products that cuts across all categories of Art & Crafts as we are bringing on different exciting items from different artists across Nigeria and beyond our borders to your neighborhood. Our mission is to open this Art Store in every neighborhood across Nigeria.

All our channels our open to receiving your inquiries as we look forward to seeing you at our launch! We are Crafts Village™; we proffer solutions for the Nigerian creative industry!

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