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It is no longer news that the whole world was hit with a huge pandemic blow this year, hence the need for this post on Staying Creative During a Pandemic.

The novel Coronavirus or Covid-19 – whatever you choose to call it – has altered the structure and routine of our everyday lives. With constant orders of lockdowns, social distancing, quarantines, curfews etc, everyone must find a way to sustain their businesses, finances and ultimately their emotional and mental wellbeing. We have also had our fair share at Crafts Village Nigeria, but we’ve developed mechanisms to stay strong and productive.

Considering this situation, you may get so tired and blanked out from doing nothing that you begin to ask yourself the essence or purpose of your existence. Even if you were so sure about your purpose before, current realities will give you different doses of doubt.

However, the above is partially true for Artists/Creatives who ordinarily work and create in isolation (It is what it is). Artists/ Creatives, thrive in Isolation and are able to reflect and create some of their best work during a time like this. Although hands have been tied as regards art exhibitions and shows, artists still have the opportunity to freelance and sell some of their works online.
Here are a few tips to remain on top of your creative game:

Find your safe spot

As highlighted earlier, Artists / Creatives are used to working in isolation. This may no longer be the case as kids and the rest of the family are also home and they require attention at different times during the day. This could get distracting and prevent quality time in creating masterpieces. Artists must however, set boundaries and communicate these boundaries clearly with the rest of the family. Time and space must be adequately allocated for the creative process.

Schedule Time Spent on Social Media

Yes! You heard that right. These days, everyone seems to be consuming one content or the other. It is important for artists to block out the outside noise and look inward to create something amazing. Deliberately set aside time to engage on social media and maybe find inspiration, but don’t let this interfere with your creative process.

Brainstorm and Enjoy Creative Freedom

Bad art is good, eventually. Give yourself creative freedom. Allow yourself make mistakes and create freely without wondering too much about perfecting everything. You can’t really do better than the ideas you generate (well, except you borrow the idea from somewhere else). Absorb and reflect your surroundings. Most importantly, breathe. Even if you get stuck now, you would definitely find a way around it later.

Learn a New Skill or Technique

Another great way to express oneself creatively and get those creative juices flowing is by learning something new. Learning a new technique opens up the mind to greater possibilities and levels of creative expressions we never knew we had. This way, you are able to break through your creative limits and do something outside the box. The skill doesn’t necessarily need to be art or craft related but you can gain knowledge and inspiration from learning anything at all. For example you can learn to do a dance routine, cook a particular dish, play certain board games (I recommend Chess) and so on. Check out what’s new at our Academy here.

Finally, Take a Break!

Yeah, I know this may sound counter intuitive but trust me, it works. When you feel like you are not making any headway, pause and grab a drink. Maybe see a movie too. Just take time off and totally leave the project at hand. Our brains have a way of working these things out on its own, eventually.


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